Get ready, doggies.....

Off to the Spa (Only dogs allowed)........ :P


Princess after her grooming session.... oh my sweetie
wearing her new dress

Rocky, looks like a lion...... hehehe

Can u leave me alone.......
I'm tired, let me sleep please......

Flower Kolam
Some decorations on the wall

Deepavali cookies

Murukkus and cakes

Buffet Spread

'The Bombay Chicken Briyani'

Mutton masala

some interesting conversation during dinner

My sis-in-law on top left corner

My close friends and neighbour

Nilasha & me at one of my neighbour's open house

Playing UNO, can i join?
Open house @ Raju anna's house
Miss all of you. Will update more photos next week. Too many open house lah.... Lolz
Take care!
Lovely! Thanks for sharing!
Wow,the food looks inviting..hehhehe
Have a wonderful w/end!
Wonderful..cute..delicious and homely..what more to say..seasons greetings
Lovely pics! Looks like you had a wonderful time.. Thanks for sharing.. Yummy cookies and food :) Looking forward to see the other pics too!
Tks everyone. Hope you guys had fun too....
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